Max Inventory Slot Gw2

Posted By admin On 13/04/22
Max Inventory Slot Gw2 Average ratng: 4,9/5 9521 reviews
Screenshot of the inventory

Part 2: Gem Store Upgrades vs 20-Slot Bags. As like any MMO, bags in GW2 get more expensive as you get better and better ones. Here is a table that lets you quickly see the scaling cost per inventory slot for each level of bag: The Price of Bags. The Starter Backpack is a default inventory bag that has 20 slots. Bags are not level dependent and can be upgraded immediately. In addition to the Starter Backpack you can equip up to 4 additional bags. You can also purchase additional bag slots through the Gem Store.

Things like bags, weapons, and armor can be equipped. Open your inventory with the [I] key, and double-click on equipment to equip it.

— Inventory

The inventory (default I) is a panel which displays all the items and unequipped equipment carried by a character, as well as their supply of coins, gems, and other currencies. Each character starts with a Starter Backpack which offers 20 spaces. This space can be expanded by adding up to nine additional bags. A character starts with five bag slots unlocked ( including the bag slot holding the starter backpack ). The other five bag slots require a purchase of the Bag Slot Expansion via the ingame Gem Store.

Max Inventory Slot Gw2 Leveling

  • 1Mechanics
  • 2Expansion


  • The bar at the bottom of the panel shows your account's assets in a map based currency and coins ( gold, silver, and copper) on the right. Click the Currency button on the left to open your wallet.
  • Bags can be collapsed or expanded to simplify navigation.


  • Deposit All Materials — Instantly transfer to your account vault all items that have a reserved space in the Material Storage tab there.
  • Compact — Move all items to the first available space in inventory.
  • Options
    • Show / Hide Rarity — Display a colored border around items depending on their quality.
    • Show / Hide New Item Highlights - Icons of items newly created in a character's inventory will glow when first added or when their stack is increased. The glow will be brighter first, and fade to a dimmer glow, and persist until either the item is clicked in the inventory, or the inventory panel is closed.
    • Show / Hide Bags — Present the storage area as individual bags, or combine all slots into a single group.
    • Embed / Separate Shared Bag - When 'Hide Bags' is turned on, this will control whether or not the shared bag is kept separate or not.


The inventory has a search function to filter items, similar to the bank. The search term will match any item names containing the term. Players may also search by rarity or item type. You cannot search for common rarity items. For example, 'salvage item' will filter all salvage items.

Max inventory slot gw2 gems

Max Inventory Slot Gw2 Guild


Double-click an item in your inventory to equip or use. Right-click an item to display other item options (not all options are available for an item, some options may be visible but not usable for some items):

  • Equip (if it is equipable by your character — will prompt to confirm for items that are soulbound on use)
  • Equip in Off Hand
  • Preview (if it is equipment or some containers like the Black Lion Chest)
  • Store in Wardrobe
  • Use (if it is a consumable)
  • Salvage Options for Salvage Kits
    • Salvage all Fine and Lower
    • Salvage all Masterwork and Lower
    • Salvage all Rares
  • Item Collection Achievement (Displays the collection of which it is a part)
  • Unlock Skin (for equipment new to the account)
  • Deposit Material
  • Mail item to... (to send it to another player through the mail)
  • Sell at Trading Post (to see its value on the Trading Post)
  • Buy more at Trading Post (to search for this item on the Trading Post)
  • Destroy (Displays Yes/No prompt to confirm/stop destruction)
    • Some items further require that their (case sensitive) name be entered before they can be destroyed. One way[1] to enter the name (in Windows machines) is:
      • Click Cancel to close the confirmation dialog
      • Shift-Left-Click on the item in inventory. The bracketed name will appear in the chat window.
      • Shift-Home, Ctrl+C to copy the bracketed name to the clipboard
      • Ctrl+V to paste the bracketed name into the name field
      • Backspace to delete the right bracket.
      • Home, Delete to delete the left bracket.
      • Right-Click on the item in inventory and click destroy.
      • Click Yes to PERMANENTLY DESTROY the item.
  • Use All (for some consumables)

Drag an item to a bag in the column on the left to put that item in the first empty space in that bag.

Max Inventory Slot Gw2 Armor


Stackable items can stack up to 250 per inventory space. Most crafting materials, junk, and containers are stackable. To split a stack in two, Alt+Click and drag the item to an empty inventory space. A dialog will prompt you to enter the quantity for the new stack. ( Slot bags do not stack up in Inventory )

On a Mac, same except 'Option Click and Drag'.


Extra bags offer additional storage space (from 4 to 32 spaces per). Bags may be purchased from vendors, found as drops, obtained as Personal story or Living World rewards, or crafted by any of the armor-crafting disciplines: Armorsmith, Leatherworker, or Tailor.

Currently, the maximum number of storage space is 160 without Bag Slot Expansion(5*32). With Bag Slot Expansions the number can be increased by additionally 160, which results in a total of 320 storage space.

Types of bags[edit]

Primary article: Bag

Some bags have special functions:

  • Oiled Packs — Looted junk is placed here first. Items in this bag are not affected by inventory sorting.
  • Craftsman's Bags — Looted crafting materials are placed here first. Items in this bag are not affected by inventory sorting.
  • Equipment Boxes — Looted weapons and armor are placed here first. Items in this bag are not affected by inventory sorting.
    • Fractal Equipment Boxes further refine this by also filtering by rarity (3 versions: Exotic, Rare & Uncommon).
  • Invisible Bags/Safe Boxes — Items in the bag never appear in sell lists at vendors and the Trading Post, and are not affected by inventory sorting.
  • Equipment Pact Boxes — Looted weapons and armor are placed here first. Items in the bag never appear in sell lists at vendors and the Trading Post, and are not affected by inventory sorting.
  • Siegemaster's Satchels — Looted consumables are placed here first. Items in this bag are not affected by inventory sorting.
  • Olmakhan Bandoliers — Looted containers and consumables are placed here first. Items in this bag are not affected by inventory sorting.

Shared Inventory Slots[edit]

Shared Inventory Slots can be accessed by all characters on the account. Soul-bound items and equipment that is soul-bound on use cannot be placed in these slots. Players that have purchased any of the Guild Wars 2 expansions (Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns or Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire) are given a free shared inventory slot containing a level-80 boost item for each purchased expansion. The boosts may not be moved out of the slots, but the slots will remain available for use should the boosts be consumed. Additional shared inventory slots are available for purchase in the gem store.


  • You cannot equip or unequip items during combat.
  • Free to play accounts start with 3 bag slots and can unlock a 4th with gems. Core and HoT accounts start with 5 bag slots and can unlock 5 more with gems.
  • The Path of Fire expansion introduced new 24-slot, 28-slot, and 32-slot ascended bags to be acquired through crafting.
  • With the October 17, 2017, update, the limit of bags per character has been raised by two for a total of 10 (previously 8)
Permanent elements
Skill bar • Health globe • Endurance bar • Profession mechanic • Effects bar • Weapon swap • Compass • Chat panel • Party interface
Temporary windows and panels
Game menu • Options • Support • Contacts and LFG • Hero • Inventory • Mail • Black Lion Trading Company • Guild • World vs. World • PvP (Panel • Build)

Max Inventory Slot Gw2 Gems

  1. ^Neither Guildwiki nor its contributors are not responsible for any loss of items due to using this procedure
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